Product Warranty
We care about your business. Every product we sell is designed to meet and even exceed your expectations.
PLEASE INSPECT YOUR PURCHASE CAREFULLY UPON ARRIVAL. If you find that all or part of your order has been damaged in transit, please let UPS know so they may note damages on UPS paperwork. Take photos of damaged product/s, as well as the shipping box or boxes. Then contact Piasa Plastics, Inc./Clear Stands™ immediately. Claims for items damaged in shipping must be made within two (2) business days of receipt of goods; at that time, a RMA number will be provided.
All sales are final, unless damaged during shipping.
Returned Material Authorization (RMA) numbers can be obtained by calling Piasa Plastics, Inc./Clear Stands™, at 618.372.7516, or by emailing To each product returned, please attach your name, address, telephone number, RMA number, and a copy of the bill of sale as proof of date of original retail purchase. Requests received after the 2 day inspection period will not be honored. The customer is responsible for ALL return shipping charges. We inspect all returns upon arrival.
All custom order sales are final.